
Profil von Pillowthing


Vorname Grace
Heimatland US Vereinigte Staaten
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
Alter 25
Geschlecht Weiblich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
ZH Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Übungssprache KO Koreanisch


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi I’m Grace :) I graduated from university this year and just started working. I studied architecture and music, and currently work in the music industry! I started learning Korean at school, but want to keep practicing for future career opportunities. I’m a friendly and open minded person, so I hope we can become friends!

English is my first language, but I can also speak Chinese.

I prefer a partner who also wants to set a fixed meeting schedule (like once a week via Zoom/Skype).

If you’re also a serious language learner, please message me on instagram or kakaotalk :)

*I will only respond to messages related to language exchange*

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Vorname Grace
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!