
Profil von Pedrof


Vorname Pedro Fagundes
Stadt Curitiba
Heimatland BR Brasilien
Aktuelles Land BR Brasilien
Alter 23
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache PT Portugiesisch
Übungssprache DE Deutsch
NL Niederländisch
EN Englisch



Hello, my name is Pedro, I'm 16 and I live in Curitiba, Brazil. I want to improve my english cause I want to move to Ireland. I can teach you expressions, slangs and everything you want in portuguese, I can talk to you using WhatsApp if you want to or any social networking. You are free to contact me, I'm waiting for your message.

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Vorname Pedro Fagundes
Stadt Curitiba
Aktuelles Land BR Brasilien
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