
Profil von Ahmeda26


Vorname Ahmed
Heimatland IQ Irak
Aktuelles Land DE Deutschland
Alter 26
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache AR Arabisch
KU Kurdisch
Übungssprache DE Deutsch



Hi! I'm trying my best to learn German because I've utterly fallen in love with it. I love everything about it. But still I think practice makes perfect so that's why I look for a person who will help me with that. My biggest dream is to find a person who is going to help me make my goal to speak eloquent and fluent German real. I expect to have regular speaking meetings full of honesty, happiness, motivation, inspiration, sadness and much more. In turn, I can surely help you with your English. We can figure out our schedule together. Currently I live in Siegen, so if you're also from Siegen we can have meetings in person. Feel free to text me!

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Vorname Ahmed
Aktuelles Land DE Deutschland
Muttersprache AR Arabisch
KU Kurdisch
Übungssprache DE Deutsch
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