
Gebärdensprache - Sprachaustausch

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Muttersprache :  Gebärdensprache (Japan)
Übungssprache :  Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Hello, My name is きむ and I live in Osaka, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin). I'd be happy to help you to learn Sign Language (Japan) in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Vietnamesisch
Call me Thoai, i was born in 2002. i come from in one provice where have peaceful sea and beautiful sence that is Phú Yên in Việt Nam country. Purpuse to practice english skills , add friends in other country. I allways welcome everyones <3.
Muttersprache :  Englisch
I'm Adrien and I'm an undergrad student in education. I'm a native English speaker and would like to expand my language knowledge. I can hold a short conversation or two but only know and understand basic words or phrases in Japanese. I can now identify and read Hiragana and Katakana. I enjoy doing crochet, drawing and reading.
Muttersprache :  Japanisch
Nice to meet you! I live in Manhattan, NY I participated because I want to study English. My hobby is traveling
Übungssprache :  Finnisch
Hello, My name is James. I'm 28 years old and I live in in Sudan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Finnish. I'd be happy to help you to learn Arabic and Sign Language (International) in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Vietnamesisch
Hello, My name is huy. I'm 27 years old and I live in Ho Chi Minh City, in Vietnam. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Sign Language (USA). I'd be happy to help you to learn Vietnamese in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Englisch
Hello! I'm looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean, french, Spanish, Ukrainian, in exchange for English I'll love to help you improve in English♥️
Muttersprache :  Spanisch
Hi! I am Marina, I grew up in Madrid and now I live in London. I lived and worked in Sweden for a few years and at some point, I was somewhat fluent and I wouldn't want to lose the skill. I am working with French people and I am trying to become fluent in French too but it's very hard to practise with colleagues since we default to English all the time. I work at a children's theatre and would love to learn BSL to be able to communicate with BSL communicating customers. And finally, I am totally passionate about languages, I love teaching Spanish to people learning it and I have a lot of patience (remember, I work for a children's theatre!)
Hello, My name is Sian and I live in in the United Kingdom. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean, Sign Language (Korea), Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese and Chinese (Cantonese). I'd be happy to help you to learn Sign Language (United Kingdom) and English in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Englisch, Hindi
Hi! I am 24 years old and I reside in India. I decided one day to learn German. Then the lockdown happened and it gave me a good opportunity to focus on polishing my newly learnt language skills. That being said, I am currently at a lower intermediate (A2 or B1?) level in German and wish to develop more proficiency, so that maybe, one day, I can read some of the most significant Deutsch authors and poets with ease and have enough fluency to express myself freely. I still have a long way to go, but maybe you can help? I have lived all my life in India and I can attest that I speak English very fluently, since I grew up around a lot of Christian influence (although, I am not religious). I can also speak Hindi pretty fluently and Bengali is my mother tongue. I think I can help you improve in either of these languages, if you would be interested. Moreso, I believe we can exchange stories about our cultures and learn more about each other, even though we are (probably) miles apart and that excites me! I am also interested in learning how to interact with people who do not have the freedom to use their words, which is why I would also be interested in learning ASL. Hit me up if you would be interested! I would be glad to get to know you!