
Russisch Sprachaustausch

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  3. 🇷🇺 Russisch


Muttersprache :  Russisch, Ukrainisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hi. My name is Tanya. I*m looking for a languages exchancge partner to study English. I*d be happy to help you to learn Russian and Ukranian. My hobbies are history, reading and travelling.
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Chinesisch (Mandarin), Deutsch
Hello, My name is Елена. I'm 20 years old and I live in Krasnodar, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin) and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
您好。我想练习中文认识中国朋友很高兴。我是素食主义。很喜欢旅行在东亚洲。交好朋友。 はじめまして 言語交換をお願いします。 会話のできる友達を探しています。私は自立心や独立心の強い、本当の大人の人が好きです。 菜食主義者です。科学、運動、自然、動物、スヌーカー、音楽(太鼓その他)、芸術が好きです。 仕事の機会を探しいます。東洋の文化に興味があります。日本と韓国の文化教えてください。ブルガリアに来てくれれば、山岳に導くできます。宜しくお願いします。Давайте с падежами разобрёмся:)! Увлечения и интересы 武术、瑜珈、技術、動物植物、登山、水泳、東医学、弓、自転車、
Muttersprache :  Russisch, Ukrainisch
Übungssprache :  Japanisch
こんいちわ I like to take a walk, read books, learn japanese language and guitar. Also I enjoy my job in telecommunications. Japanese culture is interesting so I'd like to learn and practice to get to know this country with thinking like japanese people
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello, My name is Dina and I live in Moscow, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch, Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Hello, My name is Natasha and I live in in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Chinese (Mandarin). I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Chinesisch (Andere)
Hello, My name is Elina and I live in Naberezhnye Chelny, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Other). I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello My Name is Alik(Alex). I'm from Russia and I would like to speak better English. So if you interested to make international friends and learn Russian please feel free to contact me. I'm really interested in another cultures and I think we will find a conversation topic.
Muttersprache :  Deutsch, Russisch
Übungssprache :  Italienisch, Französisch
Hello, My name is Natalia and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Italian and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Russian in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Russisch
Übungssprache :  Deutsch
Hello, My name is Татьяна and I live in in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.