
Profil von Urilee


Vorname uri lee
Stadt Berkeley
Heimatland KR Korea
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
Alter 36
Geschlecht Weiblich
Muttersprache KO Koreanisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch



Hello, I am URI.
I am Korean. Now, I am in Berkeley, California.
I want to improve my English and make friends.
I am outgoing. and I like to meet people.
I like hiking and climbing and exploring and going to gym.
Actually making friends in the USA, It is little difficult to me. I don't know where I can meet people except my language classes. So, now I am trying to make friends with diverse ways; going to gym and shopping etc.
Let's have fun together !

Neue Nachricht

Vorname uri lee
Stadt Berkeley
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
Muttersprache KO Koreanisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
Neue Nachricht
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