
Profil von Tiinaaa


Vorname Tiina
Heimatland FI Finnland
Aktuelles Land FI Finnland
Alter 37
Geschlecht Weiblich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
FI Finnisch
Übungssprache EL Griechisch
ES Spanisch
IT Italienisch
PT Portugiesisch



Hello there!
My name is Tiina and I'm looking for language exchange partners. I already speak Spanish and Portuguese, so it would be great to find native speakers to practice with. I also started studying Italian this year and recently I've been interested in learning Greek, so I would appreciate any help with those languages. I can teach you some Finnish or help with English in exchange.

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Vorname Tiina
Aktuelles Land FI Finnland
Neue Nachricht
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!