
Profil von Soroush


Vorname Soroush
Stadt Ahwas
Heimatland IR Iran
Aktuelles Land IR Iran
Alter 35
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
FA Persisch
Übungssprache FR Französisch


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I am Soroush. I'm an English teacher and I'd like to learn French for a number of purposes including business and traveling. I am willing to help those who need to brush up their Persian (Farsi) or English.

I'm a movie freak and spend a big portion of my time either watching them or reading about them. I'm also passionate about books and sports.

Like I said, I'm a native Persian speaker and also speak English fluently.

Neue Nachricht

Vorname Soroush
Stadt Ahwas
Aktuelles Land IR Iran
Muttersprache EN Englisch
FA Persisch
Übungssprache FR Französisch
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