
Profil von Samjang89122


Vorname Christopher Choi
Stadt Ilsandong
Heimatland KR Korea
Aktuelles Land KR Korea
Alter 34
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache KO Koreanisch
Übungssprache DE Deutsch
ES Spanisch
FR Französisch
JA Japanisch
EN Englisch


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Hi~ I'm Christopher Choi living in South Korea. My major is English Literlature, so I don't have much difficulty in communicating using English(But I still want to learn more English). But I'm interested in learning another cultures and languages. Also I was a Korean tutor of some foreign friends. So it will be nice if you want to have language exchange:). And I want to make foreign friends!
I'm interested in movies, animals, travel and sports. And just life of different culture too!

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Vorname Christopher Choi
Stadt Ilsandong
Aktuelles Land KR Korea
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!