
Profil von Saazindaa


Vorname Saazindaa
Stadt Berkeley
Heimatland IN Indien
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
Alter 48
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
GU Gujarati
HI Hindi
Übungssprache FR Französisch
KO Koreanisch
FA Persisch
PT Portugiesisch



I am a scientist and besides science I like to learn music and languages. I also love poetry, especially Urdu poetry. I grew up speaking Hindi, English, Gujarati and Bengali. I have been in America for more than 20 years. I have tried to learn Farsi (took a class in a college in California) and French (tried to teach myself using apps but had serious issues with pronunciation). I am particularly interested in learning to pronounce certain consonants that are unique to their languages, especially in Urdu, French and Farsi. I can help you with Hindi. I take English grammar rather seriously, so can also help you with English.

I also just started learning Korean. I will be traveling to Seoul and Daejeong in two months and would love to talk to a native Korean

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