
Profil von Qingkang


Vorname Lyu
Stadt Amsterdam
Heimatland CN China
Aktuelles Land NL Niederlande
Alter 35
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache ZH Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Übungssprache EN Englisch



hello, my name is Qingkang. I am from china, so i am a chinese native speaker. now, i am studying in amsterdam, netherlands. but i have a poor english proficiency. so i want to practice my english and learn a little dutch. i like to make new friend, i am a very nice and friendly guy. if you are interested in chinese and you could speak english fluently, please feel free to contact me!!

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Vorname Lyu
Stadt Amsterdam
Aktuelles Land NL Niederlande
Muttersprache ZH Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Übungssprache EN Englisch
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