
Profil von Mel_an_nin


Vorname Malina
Heimatland RU Russische Föderation
Aktuelles Land RU Russische Föderation
Alter 31
Geschlecht Weiblich
Muttersprache RU Russisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
DE Deutsch



Hey! It seems I would faster reach the Moon than I'll start speaking in English fluently. I'll be very grateful if you help me with language of Shakespeare. I'm on a dumb level because process of learning based on books, movies and courses. I understand and say nothing. People said that an ideal girl is the one who listens and do not talk. ) I'm lacking speaking practice. For example I can't explain my thoughts in English freely without the support of body language and my eyes looking up. It looks like I'm an actor of japanese theatre kabuki.) If you help me with speaking English I'll be doing my best to teach you russian or might be not )

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Vorname Malina
Aktuelles Land RU Russische Föderation
Muttersprache RU Russisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
DE Deutsch
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