
Profil von Johnyixiaobao7


Vorname John
Stadt Dongguan
Heimatland CN China
Aktuelles Land CN China
Alter 37
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
ZO Chinesisch (Andere)
Übungssprache DE Deutsch



John here, a Chinese, occupied by a marketing job here in China. I am a farther of a 9 years old. Like different language.

coz I like Germany football, so I want to speak German. And I don't expect high, just could write decent business email in German, could understand German with the help of a dictionary, that's enough.

I could teach you Chinese, sure, I was born in China. and I could communicate with you in English.

you're welcome. Btw, I am a Christian.

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Vorname John
Stadt Dongguan
Aktuelles Land CN China
Muttersprache EN Englisch
ZO Chinesisch (Andere)
Übungssprache DE Deutsch
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