
Profil von Ikhacaswarina24


Vorname Ikha
Stadt Tabanan
Heimatland ID Indonesien
Aktuelles Land ID Indonesien
Alter 24
Geschlecht Weiblich
Muttersprache ID Indonesisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch



Hi, i’m Ikha from Bali Indonesia... I really like playing table tennis, maybe I am an expert in the field of sports, but I am not capable in the English-speaking section, hi friends who are all over the world, do you want to be my friend, I want to know your culture and please teach me your language? really want to be able to speak English fluently like you guys, maybe we can spend time to call each other later .. we will exchange ideas and know our respective cultures

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Vorname Ikha
Stadt Tabanan
Aktuelles Land ID Indonesien
Muttersprache ID Indonesisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!