
Profil von Fassreiter


Vorname David
Heimatland DE Deutschland
Aktuelles Land DE Deutschland
Alter 34
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache DE Deutsch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
RU Russisch
NL Niederländisch



Hello, Hallo, Привет, こんにちは!

I come from up the hill, and my path of life sometimes leads me down the hills and up the hills again. Oh - and through the air, of course.

Unfortunately, I cannot walk unseen, but wish I could - sometimes.

I am the four string adept, disciple of the six strings, I am the seeker of far away worlds, I am the clueless who is longing for meaning.

I am he that drowns himself in melodies and art and fantasy, but somehow manages to draw himself back to reality.

I am the friend of a cat, but mostly - so it seems - act as a servant.

I am a Ringwinner and a Luckwearer. And I am Barrel-Rider.

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Vorname David
Aktuelles Land DE Deutschland
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