
Profil von Djonni_design


Vorname Evgenii
Heimatland RU Russische Föderation
Aktuelles Land CH Schweiz
Alter 38
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache RU Russisch
Übungssprache EN Englisch
ES Spanisch
FR Französisch
IT Italienisch
JA Japanisch
AR Arabisch



Hello to all participants.I am technological entrepreneur.
I make robots and all sorts of creative concepts and products
I like to create clips, videos, stories for clips and films, producing shows and music content

I am a man of the world, lived in different parts of our planet
I will help you learn Russian with pleasure
For me interesting to improve several languages and also business interests in a number of countries - USA, Canada, China (Shenzhen), Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, England and Europe

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Vorname Evgenii
Aktuelles Land CH Schweiz
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!