
Profil von Dderderi


Vorname Drew
Stadt Denver
Heimatland US Vereinigte Staaten
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
Alter 37
Geschlecht Männlich
Muttersprache EN Englisch
Übungssprache ES Spanisch
ZH Chinesisch (Mandarin)
DE Deutsch




I'm an english speaking native from Kentucky originally. I've been living in Colorado for the past decade or so. I have a masters degree in forestry, but I work as an independent geospatial consultant. I'm looking at making a few new friends to chat with and practice my currently (11/24/2023) limited language abilities.

I love all things outdoors. I play the banjo, hike, camp, ski, draw, paint, and I am lucky enough to do primarily what I love for work! I'll save the rest for the chat! Feel free to hit me up! I'm pretty open to talk with people even though you might find me awkward or something! It's all in good fun


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Vorname Drew
Stadt Denver
Aktuelles Land US Vereinigte Staaten
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