
Bucheon Sprachaustausch

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  3. 🇰🇷 Bucheon


Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Französisch, Englisch
한국에서 프랑스어와 영어를 공부 중인 한국 사람입니다. I'm learning French & English. 프랑스어와 영어를 쓰는 친구를 사귀고 싶어요. 한국어 공부도 도와드릴 수 있습니다! I really want to make new friends who use French & English and are learning or interested in Korean. 프랑스어 학습하는 인스타그램 계정도 있어요 :) 놀러오세요 ! I have an instagram account dedicated to my journey of studying French. insta @ Caneton_francais 편하게 메시지 주세요 !!
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Chinesisch (Mandarin), Englisch
Hi my name's so young from south korea 我是韩国人。会说一点中文。 제 모국어는 한국어입니다 중국어는 조금 할수 있어요
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello, my name is Kim. I've learning English lately. I want to have a language exchange with someone who can speak in English. If you are interested in Korean, Feel free to ask anything!
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hi there it's been like 4~5 years that I started to learn English by myself I'm not fluent in English, that is one of my dream actually. haha I'm looking for friends who can discord with me so I can practice to speak in English of course, I can help your Korean study I like to help people, that's one of my joy
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Hello this is Yun. I would like to help you with learning languages that I know. In return you can help me with yours. I do speak Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese... 但我現在學習華語, 所想找一個朋友來語言交換. 我想學習繁體字,所以如果你可能用繁體字的話,給我message吧. 忘れないように日本語も時々勉強しています。 一緒に勉強する人!メール送ってくださいわ。
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hi, my name is Jean. I'm a serious/advanced English learner. I lived in the States and Australia for many years, so I'm fluent in English and I'm expecting someone who is an AUTHENTIC native level English speaker. Since I came back to Korea several years back, I notice that I'm gradually forgetting English. That's why I'm here. What I'm expecting is someone who is available for voice chat 1-2 times a week. Video isn't necessary. I'll help you out your Korean for return. Feel free to contact me if you are looking for a serious language exchange partner.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
What's up! I'm Korean living in Bucheon. It's a decent city attached closely to Seoul. I used to study in USA, and recently been to Canada for few month. I need someone to speak English so that I may maintain my English skills. I also taught Korean while I was a student in USA. So if you want to learn Korean, I can help you with that too. Have a nice day! Hope to see ya soon.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch, Filipino (Tagalog)
안녕하세요 한국인이구요 29살입니다 영어랑 필리핀어 랑 같이 공부하고싶어요!!
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Japanisch, Englisch
Hi It’s been a while for me not to use my English:( So that’s why I am here to not to forget it hopefully, by meeting new people from other countries, I am also interested in other languages such as Japanese, Spanish, Vietnamese… etc. In return, I can teach you Korean :D So please feel free to text me, let’s do language exchange!
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello. I'm going to NZ next year so I want to speak English fluently. I'm looking for a study partner. I'd like to meet you about once in a week in cafe like Starbucks. (I like cafe and coffee :)) About 30 min, I can teach Korean, likewise, about 30 min, you can teach me English. Feel free to contact me. Thank you.
Muttersprache :  Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Übungssprache :  Koreanisch, Englisch
Hello, My name is 시니. I'm 24 years old and I live in Bucheon, in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello! I live in Bucheon near by seoul. I like to travel and studying other language. I want to be good at English and I hope make a lot of friends. Thankyou :)
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
HI. I'm Do Hyun Chang living in Bucheon for 28 yrs. and I quite speak Korean well. I am looking forward to getting a reply from you soon. I'll let you know Korean and let's exchange language together.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
안녕하세요 한국에 살고 있는 27살 황수한 이라고 합니다 영어를 배우고 싶습니다, 한국어랑 교환하실 분 찾아요 Hello, my name is Suhan Hwang, 27 years old living in Korea. I want to learn English, I'm looking for someone to exchange with Korean
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello, My name is 유경주 and I live in Bucheon, in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
Hello I’m going to study abroad in September, So I’m learning English. If you want to learn Korean, please send me a message.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Hello, My name is 이재영 and I live in Bucheon, in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch
안녕하세요? 정예지입니다. 나이는 23살이고요. 영어를 배우고 싶고 다양한 사람들과 친해지고 싶어서 언어교환을 하게 되었어요. 음악 듣는 걸 좋아하고 영화, 책, 연극, 뮤지컬 보는 걸 좋아합니다. 운동도 좋아해서 많은 이야기를 나누며 친해지고 싶어요. 서로 배우고 싶은 언어를 배우며 친해져봐요:) Hello? I'm yeji Jung. Please call me Jane. I'm twenty three. I join this learning language because I want to learn English and talk various people. I like listening music, watching movie, drama, books, musical and theater. Also I love sports too!???? I want to take up with you about a lot of talking. Just learn the language and became close the friend!:)
Muttersprache :  Englisch, Spanisch
Übungssprache :  Koreanisch
Hello. My name is Nicolas. I've been living in Korea for two years. I lived in 땅끝마을 해남 for one year and I had a chance to study a lot of Korean there. However now I'm living in Bucheon and my Korean skills have been getting worse. I think a language exchange would be great for us. I have teaching experience and I also know how hard it is to study a foreign language.
Muttersprache :  Koreanisch
Übungssprache :  Englisch, Japanisch, Russisch
I have the ability to speak other than my native language like a 3 year old child. I want to learn more languages ​​for my dreams I want to learn another language through IM(Messenger) or videophone, and I want to teach Korean to others