
Tatabánya Sprachaustausch

  1. Sprachaustausch
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  3. 🇭🇺 Tatabánya


Muttersprache :  Ungarisch
Übungssprache :  Koreanisch, Englisch
안녕하세요? I'm a 24 years old Hungarian woman who is interested in Asian countries, their culture, language etc. I can't really explain the reason of my interest. It started when I was a child so I hope I will be able to visit Japan, China, South Korea and so on in the future. I live in the middle of Europe in a little country where people speak in Hungarian. I love my native language, I guess it's one of the most beautiful languages on the world. Hungarian poems, arts are also fantastic. But the reason why I'm here is that I would like to speak other languages too. I guess the feeling is fantastic when we can understand each other although our native languages are different. I started to learn Korean few months ago so I'm an 아주 많이 beginner but I think that's the greatest way to study when I have chatting with someone who can speak this language pretty well. So... I have to say 죄송합니다 because of my currently Korean knowledge. Please correct when I'm wrong. I'm on the way, I will be better. I promise ^^ If you read my introduction you can see that I have to improve my English skills as well. That's the second reason why I registered to this website. Please correct me as well when I make a mistake. I would like to be better in English too. ^^ Thank you for reading my introduction. Nice to meet you all~ Have a nice day. 여러분 만나서 반가워요~